
Core Energetics Training - current editions

Current editions 2021-07-28T14:22:18+00:00

Core Energetics Training – current editions

There are currently classes for 1st and 3rd year students. Some of the classes are held remotely, but those that require work with the body and direct contact, we manage to organize in a traditional form. We hope that soon all classes will return to their traditional form.

Date for training year 2021

One of the most important aspects of Core Energetics is the community and we are glad that we can also create it in Poland.

1st Module
13-17 of January, 2021

2nd Module
24-28 of March, 2021

3rd Module
2-6 of June, 2021

4th Module
29 of Sept-3 of Oct, 2021

Date for training year 2021/2022

1st Module
17-21 of November, 2021

2nd Module
19-23 of January, 2022

3rd Module
23-27 of March, 2022

4th Module
25-30 of May, 2022

Both of our groups will be training in the same location at the same time.