
Description of 4-year Professional Training

Description of 4-year Professional Training 2022-12-30T20:08:59+00:00

Professional Core Energetics Training


Our first Four Year Training Program in Poland started in October 2016. In the autumn of 2018 the second edition has joined to Pioneer group.  At the moment two groups – graduates of the first and third year, with dedication, fascinated by the deep learning  are experiencing with this method.

The goal of our program is for our students to complete the training with a comprehensive knowledge and skill to work with people using the Core Energetics method. Our training is geared towards students with Masters degrees or working towards degrees that include the psychological and physical health of an individual. Interested students from other branches of education will be considered on an individual basis and it is possible that additional training may be recommended to complete their certification as Core Energetic Psychotherapists.

 The Professional CE Training Program over 4 years includes:

– approx. 670 hours of theoretical and workshop classes;

– about 110 hours of supervision (including 70 hours as part of additional training classes, and 40 as part of individual and group sessions for the 3rd and 4th year)

– min. 100 hours of individual sessions with a certified psychotherapist from a list approved by the Directors of the Institute.

The First and Second years are also available for people who are interested in their own self transformation and not necessarily interested in becoming Core Energetics Psychotherapist. However, deep transformational work is required for all our students, whether they are only seeking that for their personal lives or are intending to become therapists. Students who end their time with us after the first 2 years will be welcomed to events organized by the greater Polish Core Energetics community that we are developing.

Detailes and program:

In training year there are four 5-day modules (from Wednesday to Sunday). The third and fourth year of the training, called the advanced part, includes additional supervision days. Each year of the training ends with an individual interview with the Directors summarizing the participant’s progress. In each year, students are required to undergo 25 individual therapy sessions using the CE method and participate in supervision sessions (individual and group) as required.

Classes are taught by the Directors of the Core Energetics Polska Institute, Assistants and guests from the Core Energetics Institutes from all over Europe and United States. The training ends with Graduate Diploma and prepares to obtain the Certificate (Certified Core Energetics Psychotherapist), issued on the basis of the standards of the International Association of Core Energetics (IACE).

Our school is bi-lingual. The training is held in the Polish and English language through the help of a translator. 


1. The first two years of training concentrate on the concepts of energy and consciousness and engage our students not only intellectually but include much experiential work involving emotions and the body. The basic theories of Reichian Characterology and Core Energetic concepts of Mask, Lower Self and Higher Self are applied. The modules include being introduced to and experiencing the many various techniques that work to unblock energy in the body and consciousness. The modules are a combination of didactic and experiential exercise with the goal of understanding the human energy system and how it gets blocked. The students are also introduced to the many various techniques that work to release and unblock energy in the body and to the important process of keeping an open heart.

This phase of learning addresses anger, resistance, exploring one’s ego, claiming self –responsibility and recognizing how our will and emotions work energetically. There is an integration of spirituality and psychological concepts using specially chosen Pathwork lectures. An introduction to one’s sexual energy and how to work with sexual energy and is also taught

2. During the Third and Fourth years of training, students practice techniques and learn how to clinically apply Core concepts under the guidance of Supervisors. Additional supervision hours are added to their training . Concurrently all students are required to be in regular therapy (both individual and group, if possible). The Third year of training focuses on the dynamics of a client’s process in the context of their growth both psychologically and spiritually according to the Pathwork concepts of Mask, Lower Self and Higher Self. The students continue to learn to assess and make treatment choices according to how energy flows or is blocked in the seven segments of the body of a client. The practice of assessment and diagnosis of psychopathology, along with ethics, trauma treatment, anxiety treatment and sexual dysfunction is studied. The Fourth year of training becomes more specialized in the study of Core group process, Core relationship work, further DSM V assessment, advanced treatment of anxiety, further Core trauma treatment (PTSD) , Psychosomatics, bereavement work, and the termination of therapy. Students in their Fourth year of training become more conscious of their own personal Core Qualities along with the personal challenges they are aware of. They also discover and practice their own leadership abilities.

The Fourth year of training ends with individual final projects and live supervisions before a graduation panel. A Core Energetics practitioner certificate is awarded after ALL training requirements are met and also positive opinion of Directors and Trainers.





  1. History of CE
  2. Basic Principles of CE
  3. Energy and Consciousness
  4. Map of Conciousness: Mask Lower Self, Higher Self
  5. Grounding, Breathing, Feeling, Movement
  6. Intro to Character Structures
  7. Schizoid Wound/ Schizoid Structurea
  8. Oral Wound
  9. Masochistic Wound
  10. Psychopathic Wound
  11. Rigid Wound
  12. Image work
  13. Overview of Segmental Armoring
  14. Function of Ego and CE
  15. The 4 phases of CE therapy


  1. Working with Pathwork Lectures – Compulsion to Recreate and Overcome Childhood Hurts
  2. Repetition Compulsion also Reason, Will and Emotion
  3. Positive & Negative Intenioinality
  4. Intro to Body Reading
  5. Grounding Techniques
  6. Anatomy
  7. Soft Techniques
  8. Energy Economy
  9. Schizoid techniques
  10. Oral techniques
  11. Masochist techniques
  12. Psychopath techniques
  13. Rigid techniques
  14. Non violent and non verbal communication techniques
  15. Spiritual significance of Sexuality
  16. Upper body anger and resistance
  17. Intro to group process
  18. Work with the Roller
  19. Breathing, movement and feeling



  1. Ethics in therapeutic work
  2. Introduction to transference and countertransference
  3. Assessment and Diagnosis
  4. (DSM5) and Borderline
  5. Work with Trauma
  6. Dynamics of Group process
  7. Deeper work with M,LS,HS
  8. Uncovering your Life task
  9. Working with Ocular segment
  10. Work with Oral segment
  11. Work with throat segment
  12. Work with thorasic segment
  13. Work with diapharagmatic segment
  14. Work with solar plexus segment
  15. Work with pelvic segment
  16. Live supervision classes


  1. Advanced transference and countertransference
  2. Termination of Therapy
  3. The CE group process model
  4. Advanced work with Resistance
  5. Techniques working with sexuality
  6. The Art. of Leadership
  7. Individuality as a CE therapist
  8. Advanced Body Reading
  9. Practice sessions
  10. Live Supervision sessions
  11. International Core Energetics Code of Ethics


Further questions you can ask here:
info@coreenergeticspolska or Ala@corenenergeticspolska.com